>  Parenting issues

Parenting issues

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  • There are not many words in Canada which can evoke such a wide range of emotions as the word “custody”.
  • Parliament has now amended the Divorce Act to delete reference to this word. The word has too much baggage associated with it to be of much use anymore.   Rather than using that emotionally charged word, we now deal with “parenting schedule” and “decision making authority”.

There is a lot of misinformation out there about parenting issues.

There are two aspects to parenting

This can be granted to one parent alone or both parents jointly.  If one party sole decision making authority, then that party makes the major decisions for the child. If the parties have joint decision making authority, then they must make the major decisions together.

Note the word ‘major’. If the child is with a parent on the weekend then that parent makes the daily decisions associated with the child e.g. where to go, what to do etc. It is only major decisions on health, religion and educational issues that are made together.

When I first started practising over 27 years ago approximately 95% of orders and agreements were sole custody which meant “sole decision making”. In the last few years 95% of agreements are joint decision making. In court, there are still plenty of sole decision making orders being made – the rationale being that if they are in court they can not get along so they can not make major decisions together. However, this is also changing as some Judges are ordering joint decision making even in the face of conflict.

Over the decades there have been an awful lot of resources spent on determining whether parties should have sole or joint decision making. In my experience, often it does not matter very much as there are not many major decisions left to be made. If there is a health issue then as parents we listen to the health professionals. The child enters an educational stream and usually follows that stream through his or her education so it is rare that there are major educational issues.

My main point is that before there is a big battle over who gets “decision making authority” we had better all be sure that this is a battle worth having – or is there another way to deal with the issue.

There are lots of other language options. For example, we do not use the word custody. We have a parenting agreement which lists how decisions are to be made. Or, there is parallel parenting e.g. mom makes decisions regarding health and dad makes decisions re: education.

There are lots of schedules out there. Some parents who separate feel that it is in their children’s best interests to have a shared parenting (approximately equal time) schedule. Examples are week on, week off or Monday and Tuesday with mom, Wednesday and Thursday with Dad then alternate weekends.

Other parents feel that it is in the children’s best interests to have a primary residence with one parent and for the children to visit with the other parent on alternate weekends and one evening during the week.

In my experience it is a good idea to deal with the special or holiday times e.g. Christmas, summer holidays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Spring Break. Some couples like to deal with other times e.g. children’s birthdays, parent’s birthdays, long weekends etc. My concern is that if you have too many exceptions to the general schedule then it can seem like there is no general schedule – only exceptions.

Sometimes the parents do not agree on the schedule. There are other professionals e.g. social workers, parenting mediators, Office of the Children’s Lawyer, who can assist if there is no agreement.

The most important issue on relationship breakdown is the children. All of the adults involved have a duty to ensure that we place the best interests of the children at the forefront. It is the most important issue so we all should act accordingly.