Ottawa, Ontario
K2B 7E9
(613) 596-2424
(613) 596-2664
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Contact us
Our office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. We are at the corner of Carling Avenue and Woodroffe South. Of the two large office building, we are in the one that faces Carling (the one with M&M Meats on the main level.
- Darrin Clayton: Senior Lawyer, ext. 214, darrin@ottawafamilylaw.
- Rachel Clayton: Operations Manager and Senior Legal Assistant, ext. 212, rachel@ottawafamilylaw.
com - Lauren Rodger Power: Law Clerk, ext. 218, lawclerk@ottawafamilylaw.
com - Erin Skinner: Administrative Assistant, ext 0,